My Aunt Kay passed away a couple of days ago and today I attended her funeral with my family. When I was younger, I would cling to her and my Uncle Bill like crazy. She was amazing.
Shaun Stewart tries to cover his face with a newspaper during photo meeting Thursday night after someone made a joke about him coaching softball. Oh wait, that someone was me. Check out Peter Franklin (bottom right corner) taking better pictures than everyone... as usual.
Abby and Big Bob sharing a bite of gelato Sunday afternoon. The family stopped in Austin to buy me lunch on their way home from an out-of-town wedding.
No, I don't usually take a camera to babysitting gigs but I thought I could update everyone on how cute Matt Norris' baby is. We deemed him best baby ever at a dinner party at my house once. The evening consisted of jamming to the Flaming Lips, watching the Disney Channel and playing in the sink.